Sunday, March 7, 2010


I got really stressed out while studying to take my test and started eating evrything in sight! I have had a hard time getting back on track. I attempted a 5 day fasting cleanse starting Friday and only made it just over 48 hours. It was miserable and I will never submit myself to that much torture again. I think I am somewhat "cleaner" or whatever you want to call it! It wasnt the liquids only part of the fast that was hard it was the nasty vitamins. Glad it over with and now I am back on track with WW. I need to lose like 9-10 lbs over the next 3 weeks. I think that I can accomplish that. I am not looking forward to working out tomorow, Ill be honest. I have been trying to switch it up and use the Wii one day and go to the club house the next day. But the last time I was over there some bratty kid came in and asked if I would please get off so his pregnant mommy could come in and work out. I was like uuuggghhh NO, there are 2 machines not being used, she can use one of them. And if she still doesnt want to use those then she can wait for me to get done with the treadmill. He got all mad and said "well fine then" and slammed the door shut as he left. Id prefer to just sit home and workout but I need to work on jogging faster and farther. I struggle with running. I have been forcing mycelf to run for certain amount of time like 5 or 10 minutes. When I first started I could only run for about 1-2 minutes before I had to stop and catch my breath. I can now go 5-10 minutes. I know thats still not that great but I have been happy that I am improving. I just hope for this week that I can lose 3 lbs and workout 5 days.