Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wii Fit

Today I bought Wii Fit Plus. I did play with it tonight and jogged for 20 minutes with the running game thing. I am so out of shape!!! It was fine though, more fun than running on the treadmill! I plan to use it again tomorow. Today was my first day of working out. I have been having some kidey problems and a cold/sinus infection? so I havent felt to great. I have been doing well with the Weight Watchers and switched back to Diet Pepsi and Diet Sprite as opposed regular which I had started drinking again. I weighed myself on Monday and had gained 4lbs in only about 5 days. I am pretty sure that is impossible to do when you have not changed your eating at all. I was sad but I am 99% sure it was just water weight as my legs were pretty edematous(filled with fluid & were mushy). I am on a diuretic, which is included in my blood pressure med, but after working 2 nights in a row or walking a lot my legs swell. Its really gross!!! I have a Dr appointment next Tuesday and I am going to ask for a different B/P med that is cheaper. I hope to get up the nerve to ask for some phentermine. I know I could go without it so if he sais no I wont mind! I am hoping to have lost a little when I go back to work on Saturday.


  1. I love the phentermine but I can't take it with my pills they both together make me really jittery, and I read online that you are not suposed to take them together. I have like around 15 pills still if you want them you can have them. I wish I could take them I love how much energy I have with them and I have to remind myself to eat sometimes cause I hardly get really hungry on them. Hopefully I can go off my medication soon and I can be able to take them agian. I want a Wii fit so bad!! Let me know how ya like it!

  2. What pills are you taking? Oh the ones you told me about awhile ago? The Wii fit is great. I did the Jillian Micheals workout tonight and really like it! My neck is really hurting now though. Stupid neck and back!
